Starch-rich raw
material Plants

Native / Modified / Starch / Glucose/
Maltose / GFS / Sorbitol / Dextrose

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Native / modified starch

Starch is an ingredient of many foods and technical applications. The increasing diversity of possible technical applications is also made possible by the large quantities of starch available in uniform quality and high chemical purity.

The technological capabilities of a modern industrial operation and process optimization enable EPC to modify the specific properties of the starch precisely so that it optimally fulfills the desired technological purpose.

Glucose / maltose / GFS/ sorbitol / dextrose

Glucose syrup, maltose syrup, fructose syrup, glucose-fructose syrup (GFS) and also sorbitol are mainly used in industrial food production to sweeten food and drinks. These types of syrup are therefore among the most important products in the starch industry.

These types of syrup are economically favorable both from cereals such as corn or wheat and from other starchy raw materials such as potatoes or cassava. Today, production is carried out on an industrial scale using the process of starch saccharification.

With the help of mature technologies and effective plant concepts, it is possible for our customers to manufacture exquisite, high-quality grain products at internationally competitive prices. The individual requirements of the demanding food industry are the top priority in planning.

Our product brochure

plant concepts
for starchy
raw materials

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EPC Engineering & Technologies GmbH
Dr.-Bonnet-Weg 1
99310 Arnstadt


Phone + 49 3628 / 66048-2900