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EPC Engineering & Technologies „Job Offer Letter“ Scam

EPC Engineering & Technologies „Job Offer Letter“ Scam

Currently, people from the USA are being contacted regarding job offers that allegedly come from EPC.
The wording in this e-mail is as followed: EPC Engineering & Technologies is pleased to offer you the position of a Data Entry/Administrative
Assistant for our organization. We are excited about the potential that you bring to our company…

X-FAB project // Cooling tower modernization

X-FAB project // Cooling tower modernization

The company X-FAB from Erfurt has been operating a cooling tower system with a capacity of 18 MW since 1988. This has now been renewed. Since recently, the microchip manufacturer has been working with a state-of-the-art cooling tower system.
EPC Engineering & Technologies GmbH…

Womans in Science 2


Starke Frauen bei EPC stellen wir jeden
Monat eine unserer Mitarbeiterinnen vor.

Engineers of tomorrow 2

#Engineers of tomorrow

Nutze Deine Chance, als junger Ingenieur
oder Absolvent um die Zukunft mitzugestalten.

close look 3


Näher dran an Technologie, Forschung und Engineering. Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen von EPC-


epc logo neu blau 2

EPC Engineering & Technologies GmbH
Dr.-Bonnet-Weg 1
99310 Arnstadt


Phone + 49 3628 / 66048-2900