Slurry supply and recycling
From the construction planning to the vent gas recovery systems.

Slurry supply
and recycling
With more than 160 employees, engineers with various specializations and over 150 years of company tradition, the EPC Group is known for high-quality processes and systems. Our portfolio of services contains not only the planning and provision of equipment for TCS synthesis and also vents gas recovery systems, but also rectification units, in which the know-how of experienced experts is required. We also provide you with the subsidiary systems, infrastructure systems and construction planning services for complete factories. Customers from all over the world appreciate us as a reliable partner with individual approaches to solutions.
Slurry supply systems from EPC are safe, efficient and environmentally friendly.
Sawing processes for manufacturing silicon bricks and wafers are indispensable in the semiconductor industry. Slurry is the cutting fluid used together with diamond wire saws to cut silicon blocks into paper-thin wafers. Slurry is also produced in the production of the bricks. This fluid consists of silicon carbide dissolved in oil and glycol. EPC constructs the slurry recycling plants that separate the constituents of the fluid, and prepare them for recycling back into the manufacturing process.
Slurry supply systems from EPC are safe, efficient and environmentally friendly. We offer special, highly accurate mixing and supply systems. We also construct recycling plants that filter the water/slurry mixture used in the production processes to recover the valuable constituents. This recovery process not only minimizes storage and transport costs but also reduces the costs of preparing ultrapure water and disposing of waste water.
Our product brochure
Slurry supply
and recycling

EPC Engineering & Technologies GmbH
Dr.-Bonnet-Weg 1
99310 Arnstadt
Phone +49 3628 / 6642 – 100