Scale-up of
pilot plants

Scaling up pilot plants that produce,
for example, xanthan gum

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Scale up
pilot plants

Xanthan is the most important, commercially used exopolysaccharide (EPS) with pseudoplastic properties. It is usually produced by the biotechnological fermentation of Xanthomonas campestris. Xanthan can be produced extremely cheaply, as the producing microorganism converts between 60 and 70 percent of the substrate when grown on glucose or saccharose.

The viscosity controlling properties of xanthan make it a preferred gelling and film-forming agent in the foodstuffs industry. Xanthan is also used in some specialist fields, such as crude oil and ore extraction. Xanthan is an approved food additive in Europe, with the assigned number E415.

EPC’s specialists supervise the experimental process and optimized the plant parameters. The process is simulated in pilot scale, and the data required for the scaling up procedure are determined. The methods developed in laboratory scale can be used with a large scale-up factor for operations in the technical production plant.

Our engineers are principally involved in processes, in which the chemical, mechanical and microbiological transformation of substances is accompanied by a material, heat and impulse exchange. These processes usually behave differently at small laboratory scale than they do at large production scale; the scale-up is our expertise!

Our product brochure

Scale up from
pilot plants

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99310 Arnstadt


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