Block-type thermal power stations

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The use of fuels obtained from renewable raw materials and residual biological substances, and the associated utilization of the energy stored or contained in them is becoming increasingly attractive to potentially interested parties and plant owners in industrial and the recycling sector.

The main reasons for choosing biomass plants are that they give you independence from fossil sources of energy, and are an efficient and thus cost-effective way of generating energy. The EPC Group offers potential customers complete plants that can equally well use monovalent and/or bivalent fuel (a fuel mix). Wood chips (natural or waste wood) and granulated or pelleted substitute fuels made from residual material can be used as fuels. Solid residues, e.g. from the paper industry, can also be thermally utilized.

A block-type thermal power station is a relatively small unit that generates electricity and heat locally, thereby avoiding the high losses incurred with long distribution distances. BTTPs are small power stations based on combustion engines. An engine drives a generator that produces electricity. The heat produced by the engine has to be dissipated by a suitable coolant. A BTTP generally has an integrated heat exchanger for cooling water. This cooling water can, for example, be the heating return. This system of energy generation and utilisation is known as combined heat and power (CHP) because it uses both the mechanical energy (power) generated by the engine as well as the thermal energy (heat) emitted by the engine driving the generator. The high efficiency of a combined heat and power system contributes towards reducing energy costs, specific climate-relevant emissions, and the consumption of energy resources. BTTPs are generally operated parallel to the public power supply.

EPC sets up systems with which mains substitution operation is possible. Excess current can be fed into the energy supplier’s network. We produce an overall, economical concept for you, attend to applications for subsidies and approvals, and construct and maintain your plants.

Our product brochure

Block-type thermal
power stations

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EPC Engineering & Technologies GmbH
Dr.-Bonnet-Weg 1
99310 Arnstadt


Phone +49 3628 / 6642 – 100