Biomass Plants

We make you independent.

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The main reasons for choosing biomass plants are to become independent of fossil sources of energy, and obtain an efficient, and thus cost-effective means of generating energy.

The plants offered by the EPC Group for generating energy from solid biomass comprise the following system components:

  • Biomass-fired steam boilers and hot water boiler systems
  • Fuel storage, fuel dosing systems
    Flue gas cleaning systems (dust removal)
  • Peripheral devices
  • The design ensures compliance with the emission limits (for example those in sections 4 and 17 of the German Federal Emission Protection Act).

Your advantages at a glance. What you can expect from us:

  • Calculation of the necessary investment costs / quick return on investment
  • Utilization of subsidies and allowances
  • Efficient use of regenerative energies with combined heat and power (CHP)
  • Optimization of the overall CO2 balance
  • Creation of a decentralized compact solution to provide an optimum energy supply
  • Assistance with the selection of the location
  • Safeguarding the fuel supply
  • Analyzis of the electricity and heat requirements

Implementing system solutions all over the world is a matter of routine for us.

Our product brochure


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EPC Engineering & Technologies GmbH
Dr.-Bonnet-Weg 1
99310 Arnstadt


Phone +49 3628 / 6642 – 100